Upcoming High Demand Career Initiative-Wednesday, November 16

The Georgia Department of Economic Development (GDECD) is launching the Governor’s High Demand Career Initiative (HDCI) Sector Partnerships, which aim to integrate the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and HDCI objectives by engaging economic development regions across the state in forming partnerships to strengthen and expand initiatives aimed at addressing workforce needs. These partnerships provide an opportunity to integrate the regional education, workforce development and economic development efforts to build a robust strategy to meet the unique and diverse workforce needs of our current and future employers.

The GDEcD Workforce division will host an HDCI session at Oconee Fall Line Technical College 12 on Wednesday, November 16 from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. The workshops will serve as a continuation of the Sector Strategy Trainings, held in March of this year, and will further prepare the regions for the implementation of HDCI Sector Partnerships. One primary purpose of the workshops is to discuss the HDCI Sector Partnership Grants (which can provide up to $250,000 per region to support this work) and to assist sector partnerships with the grant application process. This is to ensure that every region is fully equipped to submit a competitive application. Your input as a stakeholder is vital to the success of the HDCI.

To register for this important event, please click here: http://www.cviog.uga.edu/hdci