TCDAadmin's blog

Upcoming Opportunities with GDEcD International Trade

The Georgia Department of Economic Development (GDEcD) is pleased to invite Georgia companies and organizations to participate in international trade opportunities.  Click here for a full list of opportunities.

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Region Nine High Career Initiative Meeting - August 14, 2014

Please click here to view the invitation for Region Nine's High Demand Career Initiative meeting.  The event will take place on Thursday, August 14, 2014, at Middle Georgia State College's Aviation Campus, located in Eastman, from 10:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.

Please click here to register.

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Trade Opportunities Alert - July 29, 2014

Click here to view information on international companies seeking to purchase or distribute Georgia products.  These leads were developed by the Georgia Department of Economic Development (GDEcD) and/or GDEcD's International Representatives.  For assistance in following up on these leads or to take advantage of other programs offered by GDEcD, please contact the person listed by the opportunity below.

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Dot Foods Goes International

Pictured from L to R:  Dot Foods Executive Vice-President of Foodservice Dick Tracy, Laila Kamar Garza, Ricardo Garza, Idalia Garza, Ruben Garza, Dot Foods CEO John Tracy and Dot Foods President Joe Tracy at Dot Foods' headquarters in Mt. Sterling, Ill.

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Georgia Chamber President "Bullish"

The President of the Georgia Chamber of Commerce is "bullish" on Georgia's economy.

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International Award for Toombs Olive Oil


An international team of judges has named an olive oil produced in Toombs County as one of the best olive oils in the world.

The olive oil from Terra Dolce Farms near Lyons was entered in the 2014 New York International Olive Oil Competition.  Judges spend four days evaluating 651 entries and the winners were announced by competition President Curtis Cord at a news conference in New York.  "The mission of the New York International Olive Oil Competition is to recognize the best olive oil producers in the world," he told reporters.

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